Coronavirus, Smoking, and Vaping: What you should know.

According to the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, when the lungs are exposed to flu or other infections the adverse effects of smoking or vaping are much more serious than among people who do not smoke or vape. Vaping has the potential to harm the lungs and reduce lung health in general. TheContinue reading “Coronavirus, Smoking, and Vaping: What you should know.”

Corona Virus

News about the coronavirus outbreak that first started in Wuhan, China, is rapidly changing. The respiratory infection, recently named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO), is closely related to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). While the majority of the cases are diagnosed in China, the disease has been diagnosedContinue reading “Corona Virus”

Protecting the Psychological Health of Children through Effective Communication about COVID-19/

Amid the devastating death toll and hospitalization due to the current pandemic (COVID-19), the psychological effect on children has been unconscionably ignored. The overwhelming coverage by the media and public health messages sustain quite a high level of physical and emotional threat within our communities, which is intensely observed by children. Age-appropriate explanations are criticalContinue reading “Protecting the Psychological Health of Children through Effective Communication about COVID-19/”